domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

My Town

They talk the elderly, who long ago came to these lands herders of goats and sheep, which apparently came from far away (From Cichiltepec) .A they liked a hill known as Coapa, but there was no water, just enough to herd; then, they went further and found another hill (where it is now the community of "San Bernardino") and camped there. More at the foot of the hills, they found a spring of water, but had about grass, like hair corn, known as Mozote, and put like the hill "Amozotl" or "Amozoc" as we now know. Our grandparents talked us that our blood, our roots and our navel is buried in Tenochtitlan or Mexico. "Mexico means the navel of the moon" Our brothers headed to Mexica or Aztec warriors were advanced, but here they found the Mazatec. That is why it is called Mazatec, because wars acted like deer. (Mazatecos means "Deer People.") When the community grew, became more houses, and became a town, which was named "Amozoc" .In that time, old natural grandparents worshiped deities, such as the Sun. Earth and Water. When they reached the friars and priests, evangelized and began talking about how the community and who would love to be called as a standard. At that time, there was a chief or leader of opinion, a venerable person named "Bernardino". And after consensus decided to call the "San Bernardino" community and the municipality to which it belongs is called Teotitlan, then the town is called San Bernardino Teotitlán. The saint cpn design features the face of this head and have since revered. And the party is on 20 May each year.

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